
What Are The Most Inexpensivel Uxery Cars To Repair

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Due to the global shortage of microchips and impatience of buyers, some used models have become in demand, reports MoneyTalksNews

Photo: Shutterstock

When you thought life couldn't get any crazier, some used cars are now worth more than their new counterparts, according to a new iSeeCars analysis.

This paradoxical reality is largely a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and its role in creating a global microchip shortage. The lack of such chips means fewer new cars are being produced.

As iSeeCars executive analyst Karl Brower explains: "Used car prices have generally risen, and prices for some in-demand models, which may be harder to find at new car sites, have skyrocketed. Buyers of used cars are willing to pay more for the instant pleasure of a little used vehicle, which they can pick up right from the parking lot, instead of waiting long for a new one. "

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According to iSeeCars, in the first half of November, the average passenger car cost 1,3% less than its new version. In contrast, in the same period in November 2020, used cars cost 10,8% less.
A surprisingly large number of used cars are now more expensive than newer versions.

ISeeCars analysis shows that the following 15 vehicles will be more expensive if you buy them used:

  • Tesla Model Y: $ 56 (new), $ 685 (pre-owned) - 64% more for a used model.
  • Toyota Tacoma: $ 37 (new), $ 339 (used) - 41%
  • Toyota Tundra: $ 47 (new), $ 322 (used) - 52%
  • Dodge Charger: $ 38 (new), $ 587 (used) - 42%
  • Honda Civic (hatchback): $ 27 (new), $ 089 (used) - 29%
  • Tesla Model 3: $ 49 (new), $ 652 (used) - 54%
  • Toyota RAV4: $ 31 (new), $ 492 (used) - 34%
  • Kia Telluride: $ 46 (new), $ 429 (used) - 50% more pre-owned
  • GMC Yukon: $ 72 (new), $ 870 (used) - 78%
  • Subaru Crosstrek: $ 30 (new), $ 039 (used) - 31%
  • Chevrolet Tahoe: $ 65 (new), $ 518 (used) - 69%
  • Subaru WRX: $ 34 (new), $ 166 (used) - 36029%
  • Honda Civic (sedan): $ 24 (new), $ 223 (used) - 25%
  • Hyundai Palisade: $ 46 (new), $ 706 (used) - 49% off
  • Toyota Corolla: $ 23 (new), $ 677 (used) - 24%

ISeeCars notes that Tesla Model Y, which tops the list, and another Tesla vehicle, Model 3, made the list because they have been in high demand for a long time since they entered the used car market. Brauer adds that such demand "has increased as the waiting lists for new versions of both vehicles have increased."

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In addition, the list included two Toyota pickup trucks that ranked at least # 2 (Tacoma) and # 3 (Tundra).

Brower says: "Toyota has stopped pushing sales for its new trucks due to supply cuts, and buyers interested in a revamped 2022 Tundra will have to join the 9 to 18 month waitlist."

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stdClass Object ([term_id] => 29628 [name] => problems with supplies [taxonomy] => post_tag [slug] => problemy-s-postavkami)

supply problems

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used cars

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auto market

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What Are The Most Inexpensivel Uxery Cars To Repair


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