How To Repair An Aether's Guard Sword
Particular Spawn Codes
This page gathers Item Codes for use with PC Console Cheats in the PC version of The Witcher 3: Wild Chase. There are likewise big lists of Talent Codes and Enemy and NPC Spawn Codes to exist used with the Console equally well.
- See also: List of PC Console Cheats
- See too: More than Cheats and Secrets
How to Spawn Items with Codes
To spawn an item, hit the ~ primal to bring upwards the console, and enter this code:
where 'proper noun' is the Particular code. For example, to spawn a Negotiator type:
additem('Acquit Pants 3')
You can printing Control + F or Command + F to search this page for specific Monsters, Skills, or Items.
- Abarad
- Addandeith
- Aerondight
- Anathema
- Angivare
- Anth
- Arainne
- Arbitrator
- Arbitrator_crafted
- Ardaenye
- Ashrune
- Azurewrath
- Bandit Shield 01
- Bandit Shield 02
- Bandit Shield 03
- Bandit Shield 04
- Barbersurgeon
- Baron Baby-sit Shield 01
- Beannshie
- Beannshie_crafted
- Bear Schoolhouse Crossbow
- Bear School silver sword
- Conduct Schoolhouse silver sword 1
- Bear School silverish sword 2
- Behave Schoolhouse silverish sword 3
- Bear School steel sword
- Bear Schoolhouse steel sword 1
- Acquit School steel sword 2
- Bear School steel sword 3
- Blackunicorn
- Blackunicorn_crafted
- Bladeofys
- Bloedeaedd
- Bloodsword
- bow_01
- bow_02
- bow_elven_01
- Breathofthenorth
- Caerme
- Caranthil Staff
- Caranthil Staff Broken
- Caroline
- Cheesecutter
- Cleaver
- Crossbow 1
- Crossbow 2
- Crossbow three
- Crossbow 4
- Crossbow v
- Crossbow 6
- Crossbow vii
- Crossbow q206
- crossbow_01
- Dancer
- Daystar
- Deargdeith
- Deireadh
- Deithwen
- Devine
- Dwarven silver sword 1
- Dwarven argent sword 1_crafted
- Dwarven silver sword 2
- Dwarven silver sword 2_crafted
- Dwarven sword i
- Dwarven sword 1_crafted
- Dwarven sword ii
- Dwarven sword 2_crafted
- Dyaebl
- Elven silver sword 1
- Elven silverish sword 1_crafted
- Elven silver sword two
- Elven silver sword 2_crafted
- Fate
- Forgottenvransword
- Gloryofthenorth
- Gnomish silver sword 1
- Gnomish silver sword 1_crafted
- Gnomish silverish sword ii
- Gnomish silverish sword 2_crafted
- Gnomish sword 1
- Gnomish sword 1_crafted
- Gnomish sword 2
- Gnomish sword 2_crafted
- Gryphon School argent sword
- Gryphon School silver sword one
- Gryphon School argent sword 2
- Gryphon Schoolhouse silver sword 3
- Gryphon School steel sword
- Gryphon School steel sword ane
- Gryphon School steel sword 2
- Gryphon School steel sword 3
- Gwestog
- Gwyhyr
- Gynvael
- Gynvaelaedd
- Harpy
- Harpy_crafted
- Harvall
- Havcaaren
- Headtaker
- Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword
- Imlerith Mace
- Imlerith Shield
- Inis
- Inquisitor sword one
- Inquisitor sword 1_crafted
- Inquisitor sword two
- Inquisitor sword 2_crafted
- Karabela
- Loathen
- Long Steel Sword
- Longclaw
- Longclaw_crafted
- Lune
- Lynx School Crossbow
- Lynx School silver sword
- Lynx School silverish sword ane
- Lynx School argent sword 2
- Lynx School silver sword iii
- Lynx School steel sword
- Lynx School steel sword 1
- Lynx Schoolhouse steel sword ii
- Lynx School steel sword 3
- Moonblade
- Mourner
- Naevdeseidhe
- Negotiator
- Negotiator_crafted
- Nilfgaard Shield 01
- Nilfgaard Shield 02
- Nilfgaardian sword 1
- Nilfgaardian sword 1_crafted
- Nilfgaardian sword 2
- Nilfgaardian sword 3
- Nilfgaardian sword iv
- Nilfgaardian sword 4_crafted
- No Mans Land sword 1
- No Mans Country sword 1 q2
- No Mans Country sword 1_crafted
- No Mans State sword two
- No Mans Land sword 2_crafted
- No Mans Land sword three
- No Mans Land sword 3_crafted
- No Mans Land sword 4
- No Mans Land sword 4_crafted
- Novigraadan sword i
- Novigraadan sword 1_crafted
- Novigraadan sword two
- Novigraadan sword 2_crafted
- Novigraadan sword three
- Novigraadan sword 3_crafted
- Novigraadan sword 4
- Novigraadan sword 4_crafted
- Novigrad Shield 01
- Novigrad Shield 02
- NPC CyprianWhorenson sword
- NPC Dandelion Curt Steel Sword
- NPC Eredin Sword
- NPC Hjalmar_Short_Steel_Sword
- NPC Inquisitor sword 1
- NPC Nilfgaardian sword one
- NPC Nilfgaardian sword 2
- NPC Nilfgaardian sword three
- NPC Nilfgaardian sword 4
- NPC No Mans Land sword 1
- NPC No Mans Land sword one q2
- NPC No Mans Country sword 2
- NPC No Mans Land sword 3
- NPC No Mans Land sword four
- NPC Novigraadan sword 1
- NPC Novigraadan sword ii
- NPC Novigraadan sword 3
- NPC Novigraadan sword 4
- NPC q402 Skellige sword 3
- NPC Rusty Nilfgaardian sword
- NPC Rusty No Mans Land sword
- NPC Rusty Novigraadan sword
- NPC Rusty Skellige sword
- NPC Scoiatael sword 1
- NPC Scoiatael sword ii
- NPC Scoiatael sword 3
- NPC Scoiatael sword 4
- NPC Short sword i
- NPC Curt sword two
- NPC Skellige sword ane
- NPC Skellige sword 2
- NPC Skellige sword 3
- NPC Skellige sword 4
- NPC Vesemir Silvery Sword
- NPC Vesemir Silver Sword q403 upgrade
- NPC Vesemir Steel Sword
- NPC Wildhunt sword 2
- NPC Witcher Argent Sword
- NPC Witcher Argent Sword q403 upgrade
- NPC Witcher Steel Sword
- Princessxenthiasword
- Q1_axe1h
- Q1_axe1h_mq2024_spirit
- Q1_Axe2h
- Q1_brokenSpear
- Q1_cleaver1h
- Q1_club1h
- Q1_Guisarme2h
- Q1_Halberd2h
- Q1_Hammer2h
- Q1_mace1h
- Q1_Mage_Staff2h
- Q1_pickaxe1h
- Q1_Pitchfork2h
- Q1_Shield
- Q1_Spear2h
- Q1_ZoltanAxe2h
- Q2_axe1h
- Q2_Axe2h
- Q2_cleaver1h
- Q2_Guisarme2h
- Q2_Halberd2h
- Q2_Hammer2h
- Q2_mace1h
- Q2_Mage_Staff2h
- Q2_Spear2h
- Q3_DwarvenAxe2h
- Q3_DwarvenHammer2h
- Q3_Mage_Staff2h
- q505 crafted sword
- Reachofthedamned
- Redanian Shield 01
- Robustswordofdolblathanna
- Roseofaelirenn
- Rusty Nilfgaardian sword
- Rusty No Mans Land sword
- Rusty Novigraadan sword
- Rusty Skellige sword
- Scoiatael sword ane
- Scoiatael sword 1_crafted
- Scoiatael sword two
- Scoiatael sword 2_crafted
- Scoiatael sword three
- Scoiatael sword 3_crafted
- Scoiatael sword 4
- Scoiatael sword 4_crafted
- Curt Steel Sword
- Brusk sword ane
- Short sword 1_crafted
- Short sword two
- Brusque sword 2_crafted
- Silvery sword 1
- Silver sword 1_crafted
- Silver sword two
- Silver sword 2_crafted
- Silverish sword 3
- Silver sword 3_crafted
- Silver sword 4
- Silver sword 4_crafted
- Silver sword v
- Argent sword 5_crafted
- Silver sword 6
- Silver sword 6_crafted
- Silverish sword 7
- Silvery sword 7_crafted
- Silver sword 8
- Skellige Brokvar Shield 01
- Skellige Craite Shield 01
- Skellige Dimun Shield 01
- Skellige Drummond Shield 01
- Skellige Heymaey Shield 01
- Skellige sword 1
- Skellige sword 1_crafted
- Skellige sword ii
- Skellige sword 2_crafted
- Skellige sword 3_crafted
- Skellige sword iv
- Skellige sword 4_crafted
- Skellige Tuiseach Shield 01
- sq303_blunt_sword
- sq304 Novigraadan sword iv
- Temeria Shield 01
- Tlareg
- Torlara
- Torzirael
- Ultimatum
- Viper School silvery sword
- Viper School steel sword
- Virgin
- Vynbleidd
- Weeper
- Weeper_crafted
- Wild Chase sword 1
- Wild Hunt sword 2
- Wild Chase sword 3
- Wild Hunt sword 4
- Witcher Silver Sword
- WitcherSilverWolf
- Wolf
- Wooden sword
- Zerrikanterment
- Zireael Phantom Sword
- Zireael Sword
- Bear Armor
- Bear Armor i
- Bear Armor 2
- Conduct Armor 3
- Bear Boots 1
- Bear Boots 2
- Carry Boots three
- Behave Boots four
- Bear Gloves 1
- Bear Gloves ii
- Deport Gloves iii
- Bear Gloves 4
- Behave Pants 1
- Bear Pants two
- Behave Pants 3
- Carry Pants four
- Boots 01_crafted
- Boots 02_crafted
- Boots 03_crafted
- Boots 04_crafted
- Boots 07_crafted
- Gloves 01_crafted
- Gloves 02_crafted
- Gloves 03_crafted
- Gloves 04_crafted
- Gryphon Armor
- Gryphon Armor ane
- Gryphon Armor 2
- Gryphon Armor 3
- Gryphon Boots one
- Gryphon Boots 2
- Gryphon Boots iii
- Gryphon Boots 4
- Gryphon Gloves one
- Gryphon Gloves 2
- Gryphon Gloves iii
- Gryphon Gloves 4
- Gryphon Pants 1
- Gryphon Pants 2
- Gryphon Pants iii
- Gryphon Pants 4
- Heavy armor 01_crafted
- Heavy armor 02_crafted
- Heavy armor 03_crafted
- Heavy armor 04_crafted
- Heavy boots 01_crafted
- Heavy boots 02_crafted
- Heavy boots 03_crafted
- Heavy boots 04_crafted
- Heavy boots 07_crafted
- Heavy boots 08_crafted
- Heavy gloves 01_crafted
- Heavy gloves 02_crafted
- Heavy gloves 03_crafted
- Heavy gloves 04_crafted
- Heavy pants 01_crafted
- Heavy pants 02_crafted
- Heavy pants 03_crafted
- Heavy pants 04_crafted
- Calorie-free armor 01_crafted
- Light armor 02_crafted
- Light armor 03_crafted
- Light armor 04_crafted
- Light armor 05_crafted
- Lite armor 06_crafted
- Calorie-free armor 07_crafted
- Low-cal armor 08_crafted
- Lynx Armor
- Lynx Armor one
- Lynx Armor 2
- Lynx Armor three
- Lynx Boots 1
- Lynx Boots 2
- Lynx Boots iii
- Lynx Boots 4
- Lynx Gloves 1
- Lynx Gloves 2
- Lynx Gloves 3
- Lynx Gloves 4
- Lynx Pants 1
- Lynx Pants 2
- Lynx Pants iii
- Lynx Pants 4
- Medium armor 01_crafted
- Medium armor 02_crafted
- Medium armor 03_crafted
- Medium armor 04_crafted
- Pants 01_crafted
- Pants 02_crafted
- Pants 03_crafted
- Pants 04_crafted
- Relic Heavy 3 crafted
- Starting Armor 1
- Thyssen armor crafted
- Black Blood ane
- Black Blood 2
- Black Claret three
- Blizzard ane
- Blizzard 2
- Blizzard 3
- True cat 1
- True cat 2
- Cat 3
- Immigration Potion
- Full Moon i
- Full Moon 2
- Full Moon 3
- Golden Oriole 1
- Golden Oriole ii
- Golden Oriole 3
- Killer Whale i
- Maribor Forest 1
- Maribor Forest two
- Maribor Wood 3
- Petri Philtre 1
- Petri Philtre 2
- Petri Philtre 3
- Pheromone Potion Bear 1
- Pheromone Potion Drowner 1
- Pheromone Potion Nekker 1
- Pops Antidote
- Swallow 1
- Swallow 2
- Swallow 3
- Tawny Owl 1
- Tawny Owl two
- Tawny Owl 3
- Thunderbolt 1
- Thunderbolt ii
- Thunderbolt 3
- Trial Potion Kit
- Village potable
- White Love i
- White Honey 2
- White Dearest 3
- White Raffards Decoction i
- White Raffards Decoction ii
- White Raffards Decoction 3
- Alkali Bomb ane
- Alkali Bomb 2
- Alkali Flop iii
- Dancing Star 1
- Dancing Star ii
- Dancing Star iii
- Devils Puffball i
- Devils Puffball two
- Devils Puffball three
- Dragons Dream 1
- Dragons Dream 2
- Dragons Dream iii
- Dwimeritium Bomb ane
- Dwimeritium Bomb 2
- Dwimeritium Flop 3
- Fungi Bomb i
- Mucilage Bomb 1
- Grapeshot i
- Grapeshot 2
- Grapeshot 3
- Salt Bomb 1
- Samum one
- Samum 2
- Samum 3
- Shrapnel Bomb 1
- Silver Dust Bomb one
- Silverish Grit Flop 2
- Silver Grit Bomb 3
- Snowfall Brawl
- Tutorial Bomb
- Virus Flop 1
- White Frost 1
- White Frost 2
- White Frost 3
Upgrades and Runes
- Dazhbog rune
- Dazhbog rune rare
- Devana rune
- Devana rune rare
- Elemental rune
- Elemental rune rare
- Forgotten soul
- Forgotten soul rare
- Glyph aard
- Glyph aard greater
- Glyph aard lesser
- Glyph axii
- Glyph axii greater
- Glyph axii lesser
- Glyph igni
- Glyph igni greater
- Glyph igni lesser
- Glyph quen
- Glyph quen greater
- Glyph quen lesser
- Glyph yrden
- Glyph yrden greater
- Glyph yrden lesser
- Horse noon tail
- Equus caballus Pocketbook 1
- Horse Pocketbook 2
- Horse Pocketbook three
- Horse Blinder one
- Equus caballus Blinder 2
- Horse Blinder iii
- Equus caballus Cutscene Reins
- Horse Hair 0
- Horse Harness 0
- Horse Saddle 0
- Horse Saddle one
- Horse Saddle 1v2
- Horse Saddle 1v3
- Equus caballus Saddle 1v4
- Horse Saddle 2
- Horse Saddle 2v2
- Horse Saddle 2v3
- Horse Saddle 2v4
- Equus caballus Saddle iii
- Horse Saddle 3v2
- Horse Saddle 3v3
- Equus caballus Saddle 3v4
- Horse Saddle four
- Horse skinned tail
- Horse Universal Reins
- Morana rune
- Morana rune rare
- Perun rune
- Perun rune rare
- Philosophers stone
- Philosophers stone rare
- Phosphorescent crystal
- Phosphorescent crystal rare
- Rune dazhbog
- Rune dazhbog greater
- Rune dazhbog lesser
- Rune devana
- Rune devana greater
- Rune devana lesser
- Rune elemental
- Rune elemental greater
- Rune elemental bottom
- Rune morana
- Rune morana greater
- Rune morana lesser
- Rune perun
- Rune perun greater
- Rune perun lesser
- Rune quentin
- Rune quentin greater
- Rune quentin bottom
- Rune stribog
- Rune stribog greater
- Rune stribog lesser
- Rune svarog
- Rune svarog greater
- Rune svarog bottom
- Rune triglav
- Rune triglav greater
- Rune triglav bottom
- Rune veles
- Rune veles greater
- Rune veles lesser
- Rune zoria
- Rune zoria greater
- Rune zoria bottom
- Shattered cadre
- Shattered core rare
- Stribog rune
- Stribog rune rare
- Svarog rune
- Svarog rune rare
- Triglav rune
- Triglav rune rare
- Veles rune
- Veles rune rare
- Zoria rune
- Zoria rune rare
- Arbitrator schematic
- ArmorRepairKit_1 schematic
- ArmorRepairKit_2 schematic
- ArmorRepairKit_3 schematic
- Beannshie schematic
- Bear Armor schematic
- Bear Boots schematic
- Deport Gloves schematic
- Bear Pants schematic
- Acquit School Crossbow schematic
- Conduct School silvery sword schematic
- Bear Schoolhouse silver sword Upgrade schematic one
- Carry School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2
- Behave School silver sword Upgrade schematic 3
- Acquit School steel sword schematic
- Bear School steel sword Upgrade schematic ane
- Conduct Schoolhouse steel sword Upgrade schematic 2
- Behave Schoolhouse steel sword Upgrade schematic iii
- Blackunicorn schematic
- Blasting powder schematic
- Boots 1 schematic
- Boots 2 schematic
- Boots iii schematic
- Boots four schematic
- Boots 7 schematic
- Dark iron ingot schematic
- Dark steel ingot schematic
- Dark steel ingot schematic 1
- Dark steel plate schematic
- Nighttime steel plate schematic
- Draconide leather schematic
- Dwarven silver sword 1 schematic
- Dwarven silver sword 2 schematic
- Dwarven sword 1 schematic
- Dwarven sword 2 schematic
- Dwimeryte ingot schematic
- Dwimeryte ingot schematic 1
- Dwimeryte ore schematic
- Dwimeryte plate schematic
- Elven silver sword 1 schematic
- Elven silverish sword two schematic
- Gloves ane schematic
- Gloves 2 schematic
- Gloves iii schematic
- Gloves 4 schematic
- Glowing ingot schematic
- Glyph aard greater schematic
- Glyph aard lesser schematic
- Glyph aard schematic
- Glyph axii greater schematic
- Glyph axii lesser schematic
- Glyph axii schematic
- Glyph igni bottom schematic
- Glyph igni schematic
- Glyph infusion greater schematic
- Glyph infusion lesser schematic
- Gnomish silvery sword 1 schematic
- Gnomish silver sword 2 schematic
- Gnomish sword ane schematic
- Gnomish sword 2 schematic
- Gryphon Armor schematic
- Gryphon Boots schematic
- Gryphon Gloves schematic
- Gryphon Pants schematic
- Gryphon School silver sword schematic
- Gryphon School silvery sword Upgrade schematic 1
- Gryphon School silver sword Upgrade schematic two
- Gryphon School silvery sword Upgrade schematic 3
- Gryphon School steel sword schematic
- Gryphon Schoolhouse steel sword Upgrade schematic 1
- Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic two
- Gryphon School steel sword Upgrade schematic iii
- Haft schematic
- Hardened leather schematic
- Hardened timber schematic
- Harpy schematic
- Heavy Armor 1 schematic
- Heavy Armor 2 schematic
- Heavy Armor 3 schematic
- Heavy Armor 4 schematic
- Heavy Boots one schematic
- Heavy Boots 2 schematic
- Heavy Boots 3 schematic
- Heavy Boots iv schematic
- Heavy Boots seven schematic
- Heavy Boots 8 schematic
- Heavy Gloves 1 schematic
- Heavy Gloves 2 schematic
- Heavy Gloves 3 schematic
- Heavy Gloves 4 schematic
- Heavy Pants 1 schematic
- Heavy Pants 2 schematic
- Heavy Pants three schematic
- Heavy Pants iv schematic
- Infused crystal schematic
- Infused dust schematic
- Infused shard schematic
- Inquisitor sword 1 schematic
- Inquisitor sword 2 schematic
- Atomic number 26 ingot schematic
- Leather schematic
- Leather squares schematic
- Light Armor 1 schematic
- Light Armor 2 schematic
- Calorie-free Armor 3 schematic
- Calorie-free Armor 4 schematic
- Light Armor v schematic
- Light Armor 6 schematic
- Light Armor seven schematic
- Light Armor eight schematic
- Linen schematic
- Longclaw schematic
- Lynx Armor schematic
- Lynx Boots schematic
- Lynx Gloves schematic
- Lynx Pants schematic
- Lynx School Crossbow schematic
- Lynx School silvery sword schematic
- Lynx School silverish sword Upgrade schematic 1
- Lynx School silver sword Upgrade schematic 2
- Lynx Schoolhouse argent sword Upgrade schematic 3
- Lynx School steel sword schematic
- Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 1
- Lynx School steel sword Upgrade schematic 2
- Lynx Schoolhouse steel sword Upgrade schematic 3
- Medium Armor i schematic
- Medium Armor 2 schematic
- Medium Armor 3 schematic
- Medium Armor 4 schematic
- Meteorite ingot schematic
- Meteorite silvery ingot schematic
- Meteorite silver plate schematic
- Negotiator schematic
- Nilfgaardian sword 1 schematic
- Nilfgaardian sword iv schematic
- No Mans Land sword 1 schematic
- No Mans State sword 2 schematic
- No Mans Land sword 3 schematic
- No Mans State sword four schematic
- Novigraadan sword ane schematic
- Novigraadan sword 4 schematic
- Pants i schematic
- Pants ii schematic
- Pants 3 schematic
- Pants four schematic
- Relic Heavy iii schematic
- Resin schematic
- Rune dazhbog greater schematic
- Rune dazhbog lesser schematic
- Rune dazhbog schematic
- Rune devana greater schematic
- Rune devana lesser schematic
- Rune devana schematic
- Rune elemental greater schematic
- Rune elemental lesser schematic
- Rune elemental schematic
- Rune morana greater schematic
- Rune morana lesser schematic
- Rune morana schematic
- Rune perun greater schematic
- Rune perun lesser schematic
- Rune perun schematic
- Rune stribog greater schematic
- Rune stribog bottom schematic
- Rune stribog schematic
- Rune svarog greater schematic
- Rune svarog bottom schematic
- Rune svarog schematic
- Rune triglav greater schematic
- Rune triglav bottom schematic
- Rune triglav schematic
- Rune veles greater schematic
- Rune veles bottom schematic
- Rune veles schematic
- Rune zoria greater schematic
- Rune zoria bottom schematic
- Rune zoria schematic
- Runestone greater schematic
- Runestone lesser schematic
- Scoiatael sword two schematic
- Scoiatael sword 3 schematic
- Short sword one schematic
- Short sword ii schematic
- Silk schematic
- Silver ingot schematic
- Silver ingot schematic ane
- Silverish ore schematic
- Argent plate schematic
- Silver sword 1 schematic
- Silvery sword 2 schematic
- Silver sword iii schematic
- Argent sword 4 schematic
- Silvery sword six schematic
- Silver sword vii schematic
- Skellige sword 1 schematic
- Skellige sword 2 schematic
- Smithing tools dwarven schematic
- Smithing tools elven schematic
- Smithing tools gnomish schematic
- Smithing tools schematic
- Starting Armor Upgrade schematic 1
- Steel ingot schematic
- Steel ingot schematic 1
- Steel plate schematic
- Cord schematic
- Thread schematic
- Thyssen Armor schematic
- Viper Argent sword schematic
- Viper Steel sword schematic
- WeaponRepairKit_1 schematic
- WeaponRepairKit_2 schematic
- WeaponRepairKit_3 schematic
- Weeper schematic
- Whetstone dwarven schematic
- Whetstone elven schematic
- Whetstone gnomish schematic
- Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Bear Boots Upgrade schematic two
- Witcher Acquit Boots Upgrade schematic three
- Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic one
- Witcher Carry Gloves Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Bear Gloves Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Bear Jacket Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Acquit Jacket Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Carry Pants Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Bear Pants Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic one
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic ii
- Witcher Gryphon Boots Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Gryphon Gloves Upgrade schematic iii
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Gryphon Jacket Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic i
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Gryphon Pants Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic i
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic two
- Witcher Lynx Boots Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic one
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Lynx Gloves Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Lynx Jacket Upgrade schematic 3
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 1
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic 2
- Witcher Lynx Pants Upgrade schematic iii
Gwent Cards
- gwint_card_albrich
- gwint_card_arachas
- gwint_card_arachas_behemoth
- gwint_card_arachas2
- gwint_card_arachas3
- gwint_card_archer_support
- gwint_card_archer_support2
- gwint_card_assire
- gwint_card_avallach
- gwint_card_ballista
- gwint_card_ballista_officer
- gwint_card_barclay
- gwint_card_black_archer
- gwint_card_black_archer2
- gwint_card_blue_stripes
- gwint_card_blue_stripes2
- gwint_card_blue_stripes3
- gwint_card_botchling
- gwint_card_bruxa
- gwint_card_cahir
- gwint_card_catapult
- gwint_card_catapult2
- gwint_card_celaeno_harpy
- gwint_card_ciaran
- gwint_card_ciri
- gwint_card_clear_sky
- gwint_card_cockatrice
- gwint_card_combat_engineer
- gwint_card_crinfrid
- gwint_card_crinfrid2
- gwint_card_crinfrid3
- gwint_card_crone_brewess
- gwint_card_crone_weavess
- gwint_card_crone_whispess
- gwint_card_cynthia
- gwint_card_dandelion
- gwint_card_dennis
- gwint_card_dijkstra
- gwint_card_dol_archer
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf2
- gwint_card_dol_dwarf3
- gwint_card_dol_infantry
- gwint_card_dol_infantry2
- gwint_card_dol_infantry3
- gwint_card_draug
- gwint_card_dummy
- gwint_card_dun_banner_medic
- gwint_card_earth_elemental
- gwint_card_eithne
- gwint_card_ekkima
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher2
- gwint_card_elf_skirmisher3
- gwint_card_emhyr_bronze
- gwint_card_emhyr_copper
- gwint_card_emhyr_gold
- gwint_card_emhyr_silver
- gwint_card_emiel
- gwint_card_endrega
- gwint_card_eredin_bronze
- gwint_card_eredin_copper
- gwint_card_eredin_gold
- gwint_card_eredin_silver
- gwint_card_esterad
- gwint_card_fiend
- gwint_card_filavandrel
- gwint_card_fire_elemental
- gwint_card_fleder
- gwint_card_fog
- gwint_card_fogling
- gwint_card_foltest_bronze
- gwint_card_foltest_copper
- gwint_card_foltest_gold
- gwint_card_foltest_silver
- gwint_card_forktail
- gwint_card_francesca_bronze
- gwint_card_francesca_copper
- gwint_card_francesca_gold
- gwint_card_francesca_silver
- gwint_card_frightener
- gwint_card_fringilla
- gwint_card_frost
- gwint_card_gargoyle
- gwint_card_garkain
- gwint_card_geralt
- gwint_card_ghoul
- gwint_card_ghoul2
- gwint_card_ghoul3
- gwint_card_grave_hag
- gwint_card_griffin
- gwint_card_harpy
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse2
- gwint_card_havekar_nurse3
- gwint_card_havekar_support
- gwint_card_havekar_support2
- gwint_card_havekar_support3
- gwint_card_heavy_zerri
- gwint_card_horn
- gwint_card_ice_giant
- gwint_card_ida
- gwint_card_imlerith
- gwint_card_impera_brigade
- gwint_card_impera_brigade2
- gwint_card_impera_brigade3
- gwint_card_impera_brigade4
- gwint_card_iorveth
- gwint_card_isengrim
- gwint_card_kaedwen
- gwint_card_kaedwen2
- gwint_card_katakan
- gwint_card_kayran
- gwint_card_leshen
- gwint_card_letho
- gwint_card_mahakam
- gwint_card_mahakam2
- gwint_card_mahakam3
- gwint_card_mahakam4
- gwint_card_mahakam5
- gwint_card_menno
- gwint_card_milva
- gwint_card_moorvran
- gwint_card_morteisen
- gwint_card_natalis
- gwint_card_nausicaa
- gwint_card_nausicaa2
- gwint_card_nausicaa3
- gwint_card_nekker
- gwint_card_nekker2
- gwint_card_nekker3
- gwint_card_philippa
- gwint_card_plague_maiden
- gwint_card_poor_infantry
- gwint_card_poor_infantry2
- gwint_card_poor_infantry3
- gwint_card_puttkammer
- gwint_card_rain
- gwint_card_rainfarn
- gwint_card_renuald
- gwint_card_riordain
- gwint_card_rotten
- gwint_card_saskia
- gwint_card_scorch
- gwint_card_shilard
- gwint_card_siege_support
- gwint_card_siege_tower
- gwint_card_siegfried
- gwint_card_stefan
- gwint_card_stennis
- gwint_card_sweers
- gwint_card_thaler
- gwint_card_tibor
- gwint_card_toruviel
- gwint_card_triss
- gwint_card_vanhemar
- gwint_card_vattier
- gwint_card_vernon
- gwint_card_vesemir
- gwint_card_villen
- gwint_card_vreemde
- gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade
- gwint_card_vrihedd_brigade2
- gwint_card_vrihedd_cadet
- gwint_card_werewolf
- gwint_card_witch_hunters
- gwint_card_wyvern
- gwint_card_yaevinn
- gwint_card_yennefer
- gwint_card_young_emissary
- gwint_card_young_emissary2
- gwint_card_zerri
- gwint_card_zoltan
Books and Notes
- Armor maintenance
- Beasts vol 1
- Beasts vol 2
- Boat vol i
- Boat vol 2
- Book of Arachases
- br201_notice
- br202_notice
- br301_notice
- br302_notice
- cg_notice_baron
- cg_notice_mousesack
- cg_notice_sq306_maverick
- cg_notice_stjepan
- cg_notice_vivaldi
- Cursed Monsters vol ane
- Cursed Monsters vol two
- Draconides vol 1
- Draconides vol 2
- ff100_notice
- ff200_notice
- ff300_notice
- flotsam_experiment
- Gear improvement
- Glossary Temerian Dynasty
- gp_prologue_bandit_note01
- gp_prologue_bandit_note02
- gp_prologue_bandit_note03
- gp_prologue_cultist_note01
- gp_prologue_cultist_note02
- Horse vol 1
- Horse vol two
- hr101_notice
- hr200_notice
- Hybrid Monsters vol i
- Hybrid Monsters vol 2
- Insectoids vol 1
- Insectoids vol 2
- item_name_mq1051_contract
- item_name_mq2052_contract
- item_name_mq3031_notice
- item_name_sq201_werewolf_contract
- item_name_sq210_notice
- Jacob of Varazze Chronicles
- Journey into the mind
- lore_about_the_fourth_witch
- lore_aleksanders_notes
- lore_an_seidhe_and_aen_elle
- lore_basics_of_magic
- lore_bells_of_beauclair
- lore_brother_adalbert_bestiary
- lore_cirilla_of_cintra
- lore_conjunction_of_spheres
- lore_cult_of_freyia
- lore_cult_of_hemdall
- lore_druids
- lore_elder_blood
- lore_elven_legends
- lore_elven_ruins
- lore_elven_sages
- lore_fall_of_wyzima
- lore_fate_of_temeria
- lore_goetia
- lore_hydromancy
- lore_imperial_edict_i
- lore_imperial_edict_ii
- lore_inteligence_report_about_ciri
- lore_journals_from_urskar_1
- lore_journals_from_urskar_2
- lore_journals_from_urskar_3
- lore_journals_from_urskar_4
- lore_journals_from_urskar_5
- lore_journals_from_urskar_6
- lore_journals_from_urskar_7
- lore_kovir
- lore_last_wish
- lore_lodge_of_sorceresses
- lore_monstrum
- lore_naglfar_demonic_drakkar
- lore_necromancy
- lore_nilfgaardian_empire
- lore_nilfgaardian_history_book
- lore_nilfgaardian_royal_dynasty
- lore_nilfgaardian_transport_orders
- lore_non_humans
- lore_novigrad
- lore_oneiromancy
- lore_oxenfurt
- lore_polymorphism
- lore_popiels_journal
- lore_principles_of_eternal_fire
- lore_prophecy_of_ithlinne
- lore_radovid_propaganda_pamphlet
- lore_radovids_rise_to_power
- lore_ragnarok
- lore_redania
- lore_redanian_secret_service
- lore_sands_of_zerrikania
- lore_skellige_heroes_broddr
- lore_skellige_heroes_grymmdjarr
- lore_skellige_heroes_modolf
- lore_skellige_heroes_otkell
- lore_skellige_heroes_sove
- lore_skellige_heroes_tyr
- lore_skellige_island
- lore_study_on_white_cold
- lore_summit_of_loc_muinne
- lore_the_great_four
- lore_theory_of_spheres
- lore_third_war_with_nilfgaard
- lore_tyromancy
- lore_unfinished_war_annals
- lore_velen
- lore_war_between_astrals
- lore_wars_with_nilfgaard
- lore_wild_hunt
- lore_witch_hunters
- lore_witcher_signs
- lore_witchers
- lore_yennefer_journals
- lw_bm6_merchant_note
- lw_cb17_bandits_note
- lw_cp13_bandit_note
- lw_cp13_refugee_note
- lw_cp14_bandit_note
- lw_cp14_child_note
- lw_cp33_treasure_note
- lw_cp36_note
- lw_cp39_captains_log
- lw_de_wett_note
- lw_de11_note
- lw_de32_treasure_note
- lw_gf2_white_note
- lw_gr_poi_042_letter
- lw_gr12_ferry_man_note
- lw_gr13_poppy_slaver_note
- lw_gr13_slaver_note
- lw_gr15_bandits_note
- lw_gr15_ghouls_note
- lw_gr29_bandit_note
- lw_gr34_note
- lw_gr39_note
- lw_gr40_note
- lw_gr41_note
- lw_gr7_soldiers_note
- lw_hs2_bandit_note
- lw_hs2_scoiatael_note
- lw_mp4_merchant_note
- lw_prologue_fallen_soldier_letter01
- lw_prologue_temerian_loot_manifest
- lw_prologue_temerian_treasure_note
- lw_sb12_pirate_note
- lw_sb13_smugglers_note
- lw_sb14_fisherman_letter
- lw_sb14_pirate_note
- lw_sb18_camps_note
- lw_sb2_base_camp_map
- lw_sb2_base_camp_note
- lw_sb2_sunken_ships_map
- lw_sb2_sunken_ships_note
- lw_sb20_chest_note
- lw_sb24_note
- lw_sb3_camps_note
- lw_sb3_giggler_note_pirates
- lw_sb3_giggler_note_workers
- lw_sb5_giggler_leader_note
- lw_sk_poi_005_treasure_note
- lw_sk_poi_050_note
- lw_sk_poi_056_note
- lw_sk16_village_note
- lw_sk25_bandits_note
- lw_sk25_blood_countess_note
- lw_sk3_ship_note
- lw_sk30_villager_note
- lw_sk31_note
- lw_sk32_note
- lw_sk38_treasure_note
- lw_sk4_note
- lw_sk41_prison_island_note
- lw_sk42_treasure_note
- lw_sk57_treasure_note
- lw_sk86_guards_note
- lw_sk86_old_mans_note
- lw_tm_underwater_dungeon_note
- lw_tm12_bandit_note
- lw_tm15_treasure_hunter_note
- lw_tm5_villager_note
- lw_tm6_note
- Magical Monsters vol 1
- Magical Monsters vol 2
- mh101_contract
- mh102_contract
- mh103_contract
- mh104_contract
- mh106_contract
- mh107_contract
- mh108_contract
- mh201_contract
- mh202_contract
- mh203_contract
- mh206_contract
- mh207_contract
- mh210_contract
- mh301_contract
- mh302_contract
- mh303_contract
- mh304_contract
- mh305_contract
- mh306_contract
- mh307_contract
- mh308_contract
- mq0001_contract
- mq0003_contract
- mq1002_3012_notice
- mq1006_notice
- mq1011_notice
- mq1013_notice
- mq1016_notice
- mq1022_notice
- mq1043_notice
- mq1050_notice
- mq1051_orders_note
- mq2001_notice_board_holmstein
- mq2001_notice_board_kaer_trolde
- mq2030_nithing
- Necronomicon
- Necrophage vol 1
- Necrophage vol 2
- Nilfgard arms and tactics
- noon_shadow_loot_note
- Norther Kingdoms artillery and tactics
- Ogres vol i
- Ogres vol 2
- Orders from Shilard
- Poems of Gonzal de Verceo
- poi_bandit_camp_3_note
- poi_telescope_note
- poi_temerian_treasure_note
- q301_notice_haunted_house
- Relict Monsters vol 1
- Relict Monsters vol ii
- sk48_splintered_ships_note
- Skelige arms and tactics
- Specters vol 1
- Specters vol ii
- sq102_contract
- sq104_werewolf
- sq106_name_ekimma_contract
- sq108_griffon_contract
- sq204_forest_spirit_contract
- sq305_notice
- Theatre Glossary vol one
- Theatre Glossary vol ii
- Vampires vol 1
- Vampires vol two
- Weapon maintenance
- Wild Hunt
Quest Items
- cg100_barons_notes
- cg300_roches_list
- FeromoneBomb
- lw_sb13_note
- lw_temerian_soldiers_journal
- mh103_girls_journal
- mh103_killers_knife
- mh106_hags_skulls
- mh107_fiend_dung
- mh207_lighthouse_keeper_letter
- mh301_merc_contract
- mh305_doppler_letter
- mh306_mages_journal
- mh306_tenant_journal
- mh307_minion_lair_key
- mh308_dagger
- mq0002_box
- mq0003_girls_diary
- mq0003_ornate_bracelet
- mq0004_burnt_papers
- mq0004_frying_pan
- mq0004_thalers_monocle
- mq1001_dog_collar
- mq1001_locker_diary
- mq1001_locker_key
- mq1002_aeramas_journal
- mq1002_aeramas_journal_2
- mq1002_artifact_1
- mq1002_artifact_2
- mq1002_artifact_3
- mq1010_ring
- mq1014_old_mine_journal
- mq1015_hang_man_note
- mq1017_nilfgaardian_letter
- mq1019_oil
- mq1022_paint
- mq1023_fake_papers
- mq1028_muggs_papers
- mq1033_fight_diary
- mq1036_refugee_letter
- mq1050_dragon_root
- mq1051_spyglass
- mq1052_bandit_key
- mq1052_monster_trophy
- mq1053_letter_to_emhyr
- mq1053_martins_notes
- mq1053_report
- mq1053_skull
- mq1055_letters
- mq1056_chain_cutter
- mq2001_horn
- mq2001_journal_1a
- mq2001_journal_1b
- mq2001_journal_1c
- mq2001_journal_2a
- mq2001_journal_2b
- mq2001_kuilu
- mq2002_sword
- mq2003_bandit_journal
- mq2006_key_1
- mq2006_key_2
- mq2006_map_1
- mq2006_map_2
- mq2008_journal
- mq2010_lumbermill_journal_1
- mq2010_lumbermill_journal_2
- mq2010_lumbermill_journal_3
- mq2012_letter
- mq2015_kurisus_note
- mq2018_lugos_note
- mq2030_shawl
- mq2033_captain_journal
- mq2033_captain_note
- mq2033_tp_stone
- mq2037_dimun_directions
- mq2037_drakkar_chest_key
- mq2038_headsman_sword
- mq2039_Honeycomb
- mq2041_dexterity_token
- mq2043_conviction_token
- mq2048_guide_notes
- mq2048_ships_logbook
- mq2048_stone_medalion
- mq2048_waxed_letters
- mq2049_book_1
- mq2049_book_2
- mq2049_book_3
- mq2049_book_4
- mq2049_book_5
- mq3002_hidden_messages_note_01
- mq3002_hidden_messages_note_02
- mq3002_hidden_messages_note_03
- mq3012_noble_statuette
- mq3012_soldier_statuette
- mq3017_reds_diary
- mq3026_horse_racing_leaflet
- mq3026_varese_invitation
- mq3027_fluff_book_1
- mq3027_fluff_book_2
- mq3027_fluff_book_3
- mq3027_fluff_book_4
- mq3027_letter
- mq3027_my_manifest
- mq3030_trader_documents
- mq3031_mother_of_pearl
- mq3032_basilisk_leather
- mq3032_leather_boots
- mq3035_philppa_ring
- mq3035_talar_notes
- mq3039_loot_chest_key
- mq4001_book
- mq4002_note
- mq4003_husband_ring
- mq4003_letter
- mq4003_siren_ring
- mq4004_boy_remains
- mq4005_note_1
- mq4006_book
- q001_academic_book
- q001_bedroom_key
- q001_crystal_skull
- q001_letter_from_yenn
- q002_yenn_notes_about_ciri
- q101_candle_instruction
- q101_hendrik_notes
- q101_hendrik_trapdoor_key
- q103_about_eve
- q103_baron_dagger
- q103_botch_blood
- q103_curse_book
- q103_incense
- q103_letter_from_graden_1
- q103_letter_from_graden_2
- q103_love_letter
- q103_medallion
- q103_nilfgaardian_demand
- q103_safe_conduct
- q103_spinning_top
- q103_talisman
- q103_tamara_prayer
- q103_wooden_doll
- q104_aleksander_letter
- q104_avallach_notes
- q104_avallach_poetry
- q104_cure_recipe
- q104_eye_ink_recipe
- q104_oillamp
- q105_book_about_witches
- q105_johnnys_doll
- q105_marabella_receptions
- q105_ravens_feather
- q105_ritual_dagger
- q105_soltis_ear
- q105_witch_bones
- q106_alexander_notes_01
- q106_alexander_notes_02
- q106_alexander_notes_03
- q106_alexander_notes_04
- q106_anabelle_remains
- q106_anabelle_vial
- q106_magic_communicator
- q106_note_from_keira
- q107_doll_anna
- q107_doll1
- q107_doll2
- q107_doll3
- q107_doll5
- q107_doll6
- q108_necklet
- q109_popiels_formula
- q110_bill_of_exchange
- q111_ergot_beer
- q111_falkas_coin
- q111_fugas_top_key
- q111_imlerith_acorn
- q201_criminal
- q201_mead
- q201_mousesack_letter
- q201_pine_cone
- q201_poisoned_source
- q201_skull
- q201_wild_hunt_book
- q201_yen_journal_1
- q202_nails
- q202_navigator_horn
- q202_sail
- q202_shackles
- q203_broken_eyeofloki
- q203_broksvard
- q203_chest_key
- q205_avallach_book
- q205_gaelnos_root
- q205_hvitr_universal_key
- q205_mirt_green
- q205_mirt_yellow
- q205_swallow_green
- q205_swallow_yellow
- q206_arits_letter
- q206_arnvalds_letter
- q206_herb_mixture
- q206_wine_sample
- q208_heroesmead
- q210_avallach_lover_notes
- q210_avallach_notes_01
- q210_avallach_notes_02
- q210_letter_for_emhyr
- q210_solarstein
- q301_burdock
- q301_drawing_crib
- q301_drawing_oven
- q301_haunted_doll
- q301_magic_rat_incense
- q301_rose_remembrance
- q301_triss_parcel
- q302_casino_register
- q302_crafter_notes
- q302_dijkstras_notes
- q302_estate_key
- q302_igor_note
- q302_rico_thugs_notes
- q302_ring_door_key
- q302_roche_letter
- q302_roche_report
- q302_whoreson_letter_to_radowid
- q302_zdenek_contract
- q303_bomb_cap
- q303_bomb_fragment
- q303_contact_note
- q303_dudus_briefing
- q303_marked_bible
- q303_note_for_ciri
- q303_wine_bottle
- q304_ambasador_letter
- q304_dandelion_ballad
- q304_dandelion_diary
- q304_letter_1
- q304_letter_2
- q304_letter_3
- q304_priscilla_letter
- q304_rosa_lover_letter
- q305_dandelion_signet
- q305_script_comedy_title1
- q305_script_comedy_title2
- q305_script_drama_title1
- q305_script_drama_title2
- q305_script_for_irina
- q308_anneke_invite
- q308_coroner_msg
- q308_last_invite
- q308_nathanel_sermon_1
- q308_priscilla_invite
- q308_psycho_farewell
- q308_sermon_1
- q308_sermon_2
- q308_sermon_3
- q308_sermon_4
- q308_sermon_5
- q308_vegelbud_invite
- q308_vg_ethanol
- q308_vg_guillotine
- q308_vg_paraffin
- q309_glejt_from_dijkstra
- q309_key_letters
- q309_key_orders
- q309_key_piece1
- q309_key_piece2
- q309_key_piece3
- q309_mssg_from_triss
- q309_note_from_varese
- q309_three_keys_combined
- q309_witch_hunters_orders
- q310_backdoor_key
- q310_cell_key
- q310_explorer_note
- q310_journal_notes_1
- q310_journal_notes_2
- q310_lever
- q310_sewer_door_key
- q310_wine
- q310_yen_trinket
- q311_aen_elle_notes
- q311_lost_diary1
- q311_lost_diary2
- q311_lost_diary3
- q311_lost_diary4
- q401_avallachs_wisp
- q401_bread
- q401_bucket_and_rag
- q401_cheese
- q401_disgusting_meal
- q401_forktail_brain
- q401_sausages
- q401_trial_key_ingredient_a
- q401_trial_key_ingredient_b
- q401_trial_key_ingredient_c
- q401_triss_earring
- q401_yen_journal_2
- q403_treaty
- q504_fish
- q505_gems
- q505_nilf_diary_lost1
- q505_nilf_diary_lost2
- q505_nilf_diary_won1
- quest_test_ring
- scrambled_eggs
- sq101_letter_from_keira
- sq101_safe_goods
- sq101_shipment_list
- sq102_dolores_diary
- sq102_huberts_diary
- sq102_loose_papers
- sq104_key
- sq104_notes
- sq106_hammond_whereabouts
- sq106_manuscript
- sq107_vault_key
- sq108_acid_gland
- sq108_smith_tools
- sq201_chamber_key
- sq201_cursed_jewel
- sq201_padlock_key
- sq201_rotten_meat
- sq201_ship_manifesto
- sq201_werewolf_meat
- sq202_book_1
- sq202_book_2
- sq202_half_seal
- sq204_leshy_talisman
- sq204_wolf_heart
- sq205_brewing_instructions
- sq205_brewmasters_log
- sq205_fernflower_petal
- sq205_moonshine_spirit
- sq205_preserved_mash
- sq206_sleipnir_formula
- sq206_sleipnir_ingredient
- sq206_sleipnir_potion
- sq207_portal_stone_blue
- sq207_portal_stone_green
- sq207_portal_stone_red
- sq208_ashes
- sq208_herbs
- sq208_letter
- sq208_otkell_journal
- sq208_portait_brodrr
- sq208_portait_otkell
- sq208_portait_saemingr
- sq208_portait_tyr
- sq208_raghnaroog
- sq210_blank_brain
- sq210_burnt_heart
- sq210_conch
- sq210_drm_brain
- sq210_gog_book
- sq210_gog_brain
- sq210_gog_recipe
- sq210_gold_token
- sq210_golems_charged_heart
- sq210_golems_heart
- sq302_agates
- sq302_crystal
- sq302_eyes
- sq302_generator_2
- sq302_generator_3
- sq302_philippa_letter
- sq303_lesser_white_honey
- sq303_robbery_speech
- sq304_aluminium
- sq304_chemicals
- sq304_ferrum_cadmiae
- sq304_ledger_book
- sq304_monster_trophy
- sq304_smithing_mtrls
- sq304_thermite
- sq305_conduct
- sq305_trophies
- sq306_sacha_letter
- sq307_cat_accessories
- sq307_cattrap
- sq307_flower
- sq308_martin_mask
- sq309_girl_notebook
- sq309_iorweth_arrow
- sq309_mage_letter
- sq310_ledger_book
- sq310_package
- sq311_spy_papers
- sq312_medicine
- sq313_iorveth_letters
- sq314_cure
- sq314_cure_recipe
- sq314_var_rechte_journal
- sq401_old_sword
- sq401_orders
- sq402_aether
- sq402_florence_flask
- sq402_florence_flask_with_water
- sq402_hydragenum
- sq402_ingredient
- sq402_quebrith
- sq402_rebis
- sq402_vitriol
- th003_journal_wolf_part3
- th004_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade1
- th005_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade2
- th006_map_wolf_jacket_upgrade3
- th007_map_wolf_gloves_upgrade1
- th008_map_wolf_pants_upgrade1
- th009_map_wolf_boots_upgrade1
- th010_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade1
- th011_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade2
- th012_map_wolf_silver_sword_upgrade3
- th013_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade1
- th014_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade2
- th015_map_wolf_steel_sword_upgrade3
- th1001_journal_viper_part1
- th1001_journal_viper_part2
- th1003_ireneus_lab_key
- th1003_journal_cat_lady
- th1003_journal_lynx_part1
- th1003_journal_lynx_part2
- th1003_journal_lynx_part3
- th1003_journal_lynx_part4
- th1003_journal_lynx_part5
- th1003_journal_lynx_part6
- th1003_journal_lynx_part7
- th1003_journal_lynx_part8
- th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1a
- th1003_map_lynx_upgrade1b
- th1003_map_lynx_upgrade2
- th1003_map_lynx_upgrade3
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part1
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part2
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part3
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part4
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part5
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part6
- th1005_journal_gryphon_part7
- th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1a
- th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade1b
- th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade2
- th1005_map_gryphon_upgrade3
- th1007_journal_bear_part1
- th1007_journal_bear_part2
- th1007_journal_bear_part3
- th1007_journal_bear_part4
- th1007_journal_bear_part5
- th1007_journal_bear_part6
- th1007_journal_bear_part7
- th1007_map_bear_upgrade1a
- th1007_map_bear_upgrade1b
- th1007_map_bear_upgrade2
- th1007_map_bear_upgrade3
- th1009_journal_wolf_part1
- th1009_journal_wolf_part2
- vivaldis_bill_of_exchange
- yennefers_omelette
- yennefers_omelette_fantasie
Miscellaneous Items
- Aether
- Albedo
- Alchemical paste
- Alchemists pulverization
- Alcohest
- Alghoul os marrow
- Alghoul claw
- Bister
- Amber dust
- Amber flawless
- Amber fossil
- Amethyst
- Amethyst dust
- Amethyst flawless
- an_skellige_map
- Ancient Leshy mutagen
- Apple tree
- Apple tree juice
- Arachas optics
- Arachas mutagen
- Arachas venom
- ard_skellige_map
- Armor maintenancet
- Armor repair kit 1
- Armor repair kit 2
- Armor repair kit 3
- Ashes
- Axe head
- Bag of grain
- Bag of weed
- Baked apple tree
- Baked murphy
- Banana
- Bandalur butter knife
- Basilisk mutagen
- Basilisk plate
- Basilisk venom
- Bear fat
- Comport pelt
- Beauclair White
- Bell pepper
- Berserker pelt
- Black pearl
- Black pearl dust
- Blasting powder
- Blueberries
- Blunt axe
- Blunt pickaxe
- Volume
- Bottle
- Bottled water
- Bread
- Broken paddle
- Broken rakes
- Bun
- Burned breadstuff
- Burned bun
- Butter Bandalura
- Calcium equum
- Candelabrum
- Candle
- Candy
- Casket
- Cave Troll liver
- Concatenation
- Cheese
- Ruby cordia
- Ruby Cordial
- Craven
- Chicken leg
- Chicken sandwich
- Child doll
- Chips
- Chitin scale
- ciris_phylactery
- Coal
- Cockatrice egg
- Cockatrice maw
- Cockatrice mutagen
- Cotton
- Cow hide
- Cows milk
- Crowns
- Crystalized essence
- Cucumber
- Cyclops heart
- Czart hide
- Czart mutagen
- Dao mutagen
- Night iron ingot
- Night iron ore
- Dark iron plate
- Dark steel ingot
- Dark steel plate
- Deer hide
- Diamond
- Diamond dust
- Diamond flawless
- Dijkstra Dry
- Dismantle Kit
- Canis familiaris tallow
- Doppler mutagen
- Draconide leather
- Dragon scales
- Dried fruit
- Stale fruit and nuts
- Drowned expressionless tongue
- Drowner brain
- Drum
- Ducal h2o
- Dwarven spirit
- Dwimeritium chains
- Dwimeritium shackles
- Dwimeryte ingot
- Dwimeryte ore
- Dwimeryte plate
- Dye
- Egg
- Ekimma epidermis
- Ekimma mutagen
- Elemental essence
- Emerald
- Emerald dust
- Emerald flawless
- Empty canteen
- Empty vial
- Endriag chitin plates
- Endriag embryo
- Endriag heart
- Erveluce
- Erynie eye
- Est Est
- faroe_map
- Feather
- Fiber
- Fiend middle
- Fiend mutagen
- Fifth essence
- Fish
- Angling net
- Fishing rod
- Fisstech
- Flask
- Florens
- Flowers
- Flute_junk
- Fogling 1 mutagen
- Fogling 2 mutagen
- Fogling teeth
- Fondue
- Forktail mutagen
- Forktail plate
- Fox pelt
- Free nilfgaardian lemon
- Gratis roasted chicken leg
- Fried fish
- Fried meat
- Fur square
- Gargoyle dust
- Gargoyle heart
- Ghoul blood
- Glamarye
- Glass
- Glowing ingot
- Glowing ore
- Glyph infusion greater
- Glyph infusion bottom
- Goat hide
- Goats milk
- Goblet
- Golden candelabra
- Gold diamond necklace
- Gold diamond ring
- Gold mineral
- Golden ore
- Gilt pearl necklace
- Golden ring
- Gold ruby ring
- Aureate sapphire necklace
- Gold sapphire band
- Gilded casket
- Gilt mug
- Golden platter
- Golem eye
- Grapes
- Grave Hag ear
- Grave Hag mutagen
- Greater mutagen blue
- Greater mutagen light-green
- Greater mutagen red
- Greater Rotfiend blood
- Grilled chicken sandwich
- Grilled pork
- Gryphon egg
- Gryphon feathers
- Gryphon mutagen
- Gutted fish
- Haft
- Hag teeth
- Ham sandwich
- Hardened leather
- Hardened timber
- Harpy egg
- Harpy feathers
- Harpy talon
- hindarsfjal_map
- Honeycomb
- Horse hide
- Hydragenum
- Illusion Medallion
- Infused crystal
- Infused dust
- Infused shard
- Inkwell
- Iron ingot
- Iron Lamp
- Iron oil candle
- Iron ore
- Jar
- Jug
- Jumping rope
- Kaedwenian Stout
- Katakan mutagen
- Ladle
- Lamia lock of hair
- Lamia mutagen
- Lead ore
- Leather
- Leather squares
- Leather straps
- Leshy mutagen
- Leshy resin
- Bottom mutagen blue
- Lesser mutagen green
- Lesser mutagen reddish
- Linen
- Local pepper vodka
- Lunar shards
- Lute
- Mahakam Spirit
- Mandrake cordial
- Melitele figurine
- Meteorite ingot
- Meteorite ore
- Meteorite plate
- Meteorite silver ingot
- Meteorite silver plate
- Mettina Rose
- mh107_czart_lure
- Monstrous blood
- Monstrous bone
- Monstrous brain
- Monstrous hook
- Monstrous dust
- Monstrous ear
- Monstrous egg
- Monstrous essence
- Monstrous heart
- Monstrous feather
- Monstrous hair
- Monstrous heart
- Monstrous hide
- Monstrous liver
- Monstrous plate
- Monstrous saliva
- Monstrous natural language
- Monstrous tooth
- Mug
- Mushroom
- Mutagen blueish
- Mutagen greenish
- Mutagen red
- Mutton curry
- Mutton leg
- Nails
- Necrophage skin
- Nekker claret
- Nekker hook
- Nekker eye
- Nekker centre
- Nekker warrior liver
- Nekker Warrior mutagen
- Nightwraith dark essence
- Nightwraith mutagen
- Nightwraiths hair
- Nigredo
- Nilfgaardian Lemon
- Nilfgaardian special forces insignia
- Noonwraith light essence
- Noonwraith mutagen
- Annotation
- Oil
- Oil Lamp
- Quondam bear skin
- Sometime goat pare
- Old rusty breadknife
- Old sheep skin
- Olive
- Onion
- Optima mater
- ore_oxenfurt
- Orens
- Ornate silvery shield replica
- Ornate silver sword replica
- Parchment
- Patchwork vest
- Pear
- Pearl
- Pepper
- Perfume
- Phosphorus
- Pickaxe caput
- Pig hide
- Platter
- Plum
- Pork
- Potatoes
- Potestaquisitor
- Powdered pearl
- Pure silver
- Q1_short_steel_sword
- q103_bell
- q203_eyeofloki
- q403_ciri_meteor
- Quebrith
- Quicksilver solution
- Rabbit pelt
- Raspberries
- Raspberry juice
- Raw meat
- Razor
- Rebis
- Redanian Herbal
- Redanian Lager
- Redanian special forces insignia
- Resin
- Rivian Kriek
- Roasted chicken
- Roasted chicken leg
- Rope
- Rotfiend claret
- Rotten meat
- Rubedo
- Ruby
- Ruby dust
- Ruby flawless
- Runestone greater
- Runestone lesser
- Rusty hammer head
- Common salt pepper shaker
- Saltpetre
- Sap
- Sapphire
- Sapphire grit
- Sapphire flawless
- Scoiatael trophies
- Seashell
- Shell
- Silk
- Silver bister necklace
- Silvery bister ring
- Silvery candelabrum
- Silver catafalque
- Silvery emerald necklace
- Argent emerald ring
- Silvery ingot
- Silver mineral
- Silverish mug
- Silver ore
- Silverish pantaloons
- Silver plate
- Argent platter
- Silver ruby necklace
- Silver sapphire ring
- Silverish teapot
- Silverware
- Siren song cords
- Skull
- Smithing tools
- Smithing tools dwarven
- Smithing tools elven
- Smithing tools gnomish
- Smoking pipe
- Specter dust
- spikeroog_map
- Stammelfords grit
- Steel ingot
- Steel plate
- Strawberries
- Cord
- Succubus mutagen
- Sulfur
- Temerian Rye
- Temerian special forces insignia
- Thread
- Timber
- Tirnalia potion
- Toffee
- Troll mutagen
- Troll pare
- Twine
- undvik_map
- Valuable fossil
- Vampire fang
- Vampire saliva
- Venom extract
- Vermilion
- Very skilful love
- Vinegar
- Vitriol
- Viziman Champion
- Volcanic Gryphon mutagen
- Voodoo doll
- Water essence
- Water Hag mutagen
- Water Hag teeth
- Wax
- Weapon repair kit i
- Weapon repair kit 2
- Weapon repair kit three
- Werewolf mutagen
- Werewolf pelt
- Werewolf saliva
- Whetstone
- Whetstone dwarven
- Whetstone elven
- Whetstone gnomish
- White bear pelt
- White Dupe ane
- White wolf pelt
- Vino stone
- Wire
- Wire rope
- Wolf liver
- Wolf pelt
- Wooden rung rope ladder
- Worn leather pelt
- Wraith essence
- Wraith mutagen
- Wyvern egg
- Wyvern mutagen
- Wyvern plate
In This Wiki Guide
How To Repair An Aether's Guard Sword,
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